Twenty One Year
s in Twenty Eleven
Before anything else, I like to offer a moment of prayer for everyone who lose their lives, their properties and loved ones in Japan. I feel sad knowing that as I celebrate my special day, thousands of people won’t be seeing a new dawn again.
It is with this thought that I thank God for the gift of Life. I thank Him for giving me this rare chance of coming here to planet Earth as a human being and being able to experience all the wonders of life. I thank Him for the 21 years he gave me and for the many more that He will provide. I thank Him for all the blessings that He gave me and for those that He didn’t, knowing that it’s all for my benefit.
I thank God for the gift of Family, who has always shown me love and care. It is with them that I learned, developed and matured into who I am today. And no matter what happens, my heart will always set and return to them for they are who I am and I am who they are.
I thank God for the gift of Friends, few as they maybe, I am proud to say they’re the best. Life wouldn’t be as scenic as it is today if I haven’t met each and every one of them. I will forever be grateful for their existence in my life. I
I thank God for the gift of Education for it is here that I shine the greatest. The journey I’ve made is one that is full of detours and sorrows but I’ve also always known that I wouldn’t have it any other way. I only ask that I may be able to step it up by being a living proof and inspiration to people. I pray to be able to spread not only the light of the Lord but also the fire of education.
I thank God for the gift of Love, amidst everything that transpired. A person learns not only through education but most of all through love. I believe one becomes a stronger person when you finally learn to love and then to let it go. For the gift of being loved, I have nothing but gratitude. For the gift of finally being able to let go, I finally walk away with a smile.
I thank God for the gift of Faith for it is one of the constant thing in this world, or at least to me. Everything will fall apart at one point in our lives but I know that my faith will be one thing that will remain standing and pull me up again and even to greater heights.
I thank God for the gift of Change for before we can begin a new chapter, the old ones must be closed off. We have to clear our hearts and minds of old memories to make room for other memories to take place. It can be very hard to do but after the first round, the rest is easy. Closing chapters of life doesn’t mean hurt, pride or hatred. It may also mean it no longer fits your life and who you are now.
I thank God for the Gift of Future for I know you have already directed it in Your heart. Humans can only see as far as the horizon goes but You see the whole path and journey as well. I have complete trust in my God knowing He has great plans for me and that I am to be His greatest achievement.